Academic Programs
1. Programs of Study
1.1. BS(4 years) in Biochemistry & Biotechnology
1.1.1. This comprises 8 semesters (4 years) with a total of 126 credit hours. In the first 4 semesters, Chemistry & Microbiology are taught as minor subjects. In the 4th year i.e in semester VII, students are given the choice to either opt for specialization in Biochemistry or Biotechnology.
1.2. M.Phil & Ph.D in Biochemistry & Biotechnology
1.3.1. M.Phil / Ph.D in Biochemistry is announced every year in September. Now the entry to M.Phil / Ph.D program is through NTS qualifying exam. M.Phil degree program comprises two semesters course work of 24 credit hours and 6 credit hours of research / Dissertation and Seminar. Institute of Biochemistry runs regular classes for M.Phil 1st, 2nd semester in the evening.
2. Eligibility Criteria for Admission
2.1. BS (4 years)
2.1.1. F.Sc. (Pre- Medical) / A- Levels (with Chemistry & Biology)
2.1.2. Written test and interview to be qualified with 45% marks.
2.2. M.Phil / Ph.D
2.3.1. M.Sc. in a Chemical / Biological Science Subjects, along with NTS qualifying examinations
3. Facilities
3.1. Well-equipped, purpose built laboratories. Major equipments in the Institute include, High Performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC); Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC); Scintillation Counter; Electrophoresis Units; Centrifuges; Spectrophotometers; Furnaces; Autoclaves; Laminar Flow hoods etc etc.
3.1.1. Internet Facility. Internet net facility is available in the laboratories.
3.1.2. Computer Laboratory. A Computer laboratory equipped with 25 Pentium 4 units connected to the inter net is available.
3.1.3. Teaching labs. 3 well equipped and modern scientific labs along with supporting staff are available for conducting practicals for MSc and BS programme.
3.1.4. Research Labs. 4 newly constructed labs with all modern facilities and a Central lab with many modern and up to date research facilities are available for M.Phil / Ph.D research.
3.1.5. Departmental Library. A newly constructed departmental library with approximately 3000 books and scientific journals is available for the students.
4. Achievements
4.1. Our excellence in both teaching & research has been recognized by the quality assurance & the research assessment exercise by the Pakistan Council for Science & Technology.
5. Future Plans
5.1. The Institute has already envisioned its plan whereby this Institute will be strengthened and equipped so that it turns into a full fledged School of Biological Sciences with established setups for:
5.1.1. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
5.1.2. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
5.1.3. Biochemical Parasitology