Well-equipped, purpose built laboratories. Major equipment in the Institute include, High Performance liquid Chromatography(HPLC); Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC); Scintillation Counter; Electrophoresis Units; Centrifuges; Spectrophotometers; Furnaces; Autoclaves; Laminar Flow hoods etc etc.
Internet Facility: Internet net facility is available in the laboratories.
Computer Laboratory: A Computer laboratory equipped with 25 computer units
connected to the internet is available.
Teaching Labs: Three well equipped and modern labs., along with supporting staff
are available for conducting practical for BS and M.Sc program.
Research Labs. Four newly constructed labs., with all modern facilities and a
central lab., with many modern and up to date research facilities are available
for M.Phil / Ph.D research.
Departmental Library: A newly constructed departmental library with
approximately 3000 books and scientific journals available for the students.